Training Information

Ausgrid provide training for their ASPs, Subcontractors and Partners.

All national units of competence must be undertaken with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that has the specific unit of competency in their scope of registration.

What Training Do I Need?

To determine your worker’s training needs, please refer to the role matrix below or confirm with your Ausgrid representative (Contract Manager or representative that has engaged you for work). If the role you require has a training requirement, you will be prompted to book the training via the Ausgrid Worker Roles Portal. The Electrical Safety Rules Training must be booked and completed as a pre-requisite to any other course.

Ausgrid Roles Matrix.

Training Pre-Requisites 

Some Ausgrid training requires the completion of prior learning before booking into the course. Use the document below to determine if additional training is required before booking Ausgrid training.

Training Waitlist

If a training session is unavailable to select in the portal please submit your request to be added to the Training Waitlist by clicking here.

How much does Ausgrid training cost?

Click here to see a table of costs for Ausgrid training, this table also identifies the competencies that are delivered as part of the training course.

How do I book training?

Select the appropriate roles for your workers via the Ausgrid Role Management Portal. If the role you have selected requires training to be completed you will be prompted to book into an available course. Click here to be taken to a video showing you how to book classroom training in the Roles Portal.

How do I choose the right worker roles?

Select the roles that are most applicable to the work your employee will be completing for Ausgrid. If you are unsure of which roles to select, please speak to your Ausgrid Contract Manager OR the Ausgrid representative that has engaged you for work.

How do I pay for training?

If you are required to pay for training, you will be directed through the system checkout. You can pay by:

  • Credit Card
  • PayPal

Is there a cancellation/refund policy for training bookings?

Bookings that are cancelled prior to 5 business days before the training event will be refunded.

Bookings that are cancelled within 5 business days of the training event will not be refunded.

Attendees can be swapped for another employee up until 2 business days before the training event avoiding a cancellation.

Who do I speak to about booking training VS obtaining my Statement of Attainment?