Register your business

and your workers

Partners & Subcontractors

The Ausgrid Partners Safety Management System process for partners and subcontractors is outlined below.

Am I a partner?

If your business provides services and invoices Ausgrid directly, or you work on multiple Ausgrid sites and invoice both directly and indirectly, you are a partner. Please follow the instructions below to register.

Am I a subcontractor?

If your business does not invoice Ausgrid directly, you are a subcontractor. Please follow the instructions below to register. Partners will only register workers directly employed by them.

Accredited Service Providers complete contestable work on or near Ausgrid’s network – including work to design, construct or install assets that connect a customer’s installation to Ausgrid’s electricity network. Click to follow the instructions to register as an Ausgrid ASP.

Let’s get started!

We suggest you read through the process below first, and allow yourself time to source and upload the required documents and information that may be required to register your business and workers.

You can find detailed user guides for the system (with screenshots) on the Help and Resources page.

Please note: you should only follow the compliance process if you have been requested to do so by Ausgrid.

The two-step process is detailed below – simply click to expand the sections.

STAGE 1: Business Registration (click to expand)

Step 1 > Create a user name and password to register your business

The Ausgrid Partners Safety Management System can be found by clicking the REGISTER BUSINESS button below:

Start by entering a user name of your choosing, plus your email address and a password. You’ll be emailed confirmation.

Step 2 > Register business details

Using your new details, login to the APSMS.

You may now follow the process to register your company details by answering the profiling questions and selecting the insurances and licences you can supply to support your registration. The information you enter here will determine your category and therefore, the cost of your registration.

Step 3 > Pay for registration based on category

You will now be categorised using the information you have provided. The cost depends on your category and the complexity of validating your business. Registration is valid for three years with a $150 + GST annual account renewal fee.

Category High Risk: $700 + GST

Category Medium Risk: $500 + GST 

Category Low Risk (4801 or equivalent): $300 + GST

Subcontractor: $0.00

Step 4 > Upload documents for verification

You will finally be prompted to upload copies of the licences and insurances you selected earlier in the process for verification. You’ll be emailed when your documents are verified, or informed of any corrections needed to finalise business registration. Documents may include but are not limited to:

-Public and Product Liability insurance of $50M for any one occurrence

-Workers Compensation Insurance for Australian companies who pay more than $7,500 in wages

-Professional Indemnity if prompted

If applicable, other forms, insurance, or licences such as:

– High Risk Licences

– Accreditation Documents such as ISO 9001

– Safety Management System certifications

– Evidence of your Safety Management System

Please note: Subcontractors will not be required to upload any supporting documentation.

To complete your registration, you will be sent login details to register workers and book their inductions. Please click to expand those instructions below.

STAGE 2: Worker Registration (click to expand)

Step 1 > Create a user name and password to register your workers

The Ausgrid Role Management Portal (where you register workers) will be found by clicking the button below:

Login with the details sent to you by Pegasus.

The next steps are to add your workers to ensure their compliance to work for Ausgrid.

Step 2 > Add workers, choose roles and book training

Using your new details, login and add your workers in the system! You’ll start by selecting Manage Roles and then Add New Employee. From here you will upload a photo of your worker and enter their personal contact details, address, phone and email.

Continuing through the worker’s profile, the next step is to Add New Role. Here you will book their online induction, and they will be emailed a link and login details.

You can also book any required classroom inductions from the calendar of available dates and locations.

Step 3 > Pay for worker registration and access card

Pay for your worker’s registration and order their access ID cards to work for Ausgrid.

Worker registration costs $125 + GST per person for profile verification and the supply of a plastic access ID card and e-card, with renewal costing $90 + GST annually from year two.

Replacement cards are $30 + GST. A tax invoice will be supplied on payment.

Step 4 > Pegasus validates profile and applies roles

Pegasus will validate your worker’s profile, and once they successfully complete their online induction, their role will be applied to their profile. At this time, their plastic access ID card will be printed and sent, and their e-card sent to their nominated mobile number.

It’s important that you keep worker’s details up to date. You can login at any time to update your account or their profiles. During registration, you may also elect to invite your worker to the Worker Portal, allowing them to maintain their own profile to work for Ausgrid.