Accredited Service Provider

Registration Process

Accredited Service Providers (ASPs)

The Ausgrid ASP Authorisation Management System process for Accredited Service Providers (ASPs) is outlined below.

Am I an ASP?

To undertake contestable work within Ausgrid’s network, you need to be an Accredited Service Provider (ASP). Contestable work is any work to design, construct or install assets that connect a customer’s installation to the Ausgrid electricity network, including work on or near the network.

Prior to applying for ASP authorisation with Ausgrid, you need to first become accredited under the ASP Scheme. Refer to the ASP Accreditation Scheme website for information about how to become an Accredited Service Provider.

Please note: The authorisation of Level 3 ASPs is not currently managed through the Pegasus System.

If your business provides services directly to Ausgrid, for works that are not customer funded contestable work, you are a partner or subcontractor. Refer to the links below for more information:

Visit the partners & subcontractors page for information and instructions to register.

Visit the 3rd Party Provider page for information and instructions to register.

ASP Authorisation fees

ASP authorisation services provided by Ausgrid are an Alternative Control Service. The allowable fees applicable to these services are approved by the Australian Energy Regulator and are detailed in Ausgrid’s Connection Charges and Ausgrid’s ‘Connection Policy’.

The fees detailed in the Alternative control services fee schedule have been revised for the ASP Authorisation Management System and are detailed in Table 1 below. These fees are current as of 1 July 2024.*

*Fees do not include GST

Ausgrid Training

Ausgrid’s training group provides Ausgrid-specific training for Accredited Service Providers (ASPs).

Training services provided by Ausgrid are an Alternative Control Service. The allowable fees applicable to these services are approved by the Australian Energy Regulator and are detailed in Ausgrid’s Connection Charges and Ausgrid’s ‘Connection Policy’.

Ready to register for ASP Authorisation? Let’s get started!

We suggest you read through the process below first and source the required information to register your business and workers.

You can find detailed user guides for the system (with screenshots) on the Help and Resources page.

The two-stage process is detailed below – simply click to expand the sections.

Stage 1: Business Registration for ASP Company Authorisation (click to expand)

Step 1 > Create a user name and password to register your business

The Ausgrid ASP Authorisation Management System can be found by clicking the REGISTER BUSINESS FOR ASP COMPANY REGISTRATION button below:

Start by entering a user name of your choosing, plus your email address and a password. You’ll be emailed confirmation.

Step 2 > Register business details

Using your new details, login to the system.

You may now follow the process to register your company details by answering profile questions and selecting the documents you must supply to support your registration.

Step 3 > Upload documents for verification

You will be prompted to upload copies of the documents selected for verification. You’ll be emailed when your documents are verified, or informed of any corrections needed to finalise business registration. Documents may include:

    • Professional Indemnity Insurance (Level 1 ASPs only)
    • Bank Guarantee (Level 1 ASPs only)
    • Department of Planning and Environment Company Accreditation Letter

Step 4 > Attend company authorisation meeting

If you are applying for an initial ASP company authorisation, you must attend an in-person meeting with Ausgrid. This meeting will provide your company with information for working safely on or near Ausgrid’s network, Ausgrid procedures and processes relevant to your work, and allow you to ask questions regarding ASP authorisation and compliance.

Stage 2: Worker Registration for ASP Authorisation (click to expand)

Step 1 > Login to register your workers

The Ausgrid ASP Authorisation Management System to register your workers can be found by clicking the button below:

Login with the details sent to you by Pegasus.

The next steps are to add your workers to ensure their compliance to work on or near Ausgrid’s network as an authorised ASP. If a worker is already registered with Ausgrid, you can search and select their profile to add the correct role/s (ASP Authorisations) in this system.

Step 2 > Add workers

Start by selecting Manage Roles and then Add New Employee. Upload a photo of your worker and enter their personal contact details, address, phone and email.

Step 3 > Choose roles (ASP Authorisations) and book information session & classroom training

Continuing through the worker’s profile, the next step is to Add New Role. Roles are the specific classes of ASP Authorisation for workers. Only select roles the ASP company and worker are accredited for by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, which match their accreditation documentation.

Workers are required to complete online ASP Authorisation information session, and they will be emailed a link and login details when a role is submitted in the system.

You can also book any required classroom inductions from the calendar of available dates and locations.

Pegasus validates profile and applies roles

Pegasus will validate your worker’s profile, and once they successfully complete their online ASP Authorisation information session, their role will be applied to their profile. At this time, their plastic access ID card will be printed and sent.

Ausgrid field auditors will be scanning the cards of ASP workers to ensure their compliance, so they must be carried at all times when working on or near Ausgrid’s network.

It’s important that you keep all company and worker details up to date. You can login at any time to update your account or their profiles. During registration, you may also elect to invite your worker to the Worker Portal, allowing them to maintain their own profile to work on or near Ausgrid’s network.