Step 1 > Create a user name and password to register your business
The Ausgrid ASP Authorisation Management System can be found by clicking the REGISTER BUSINESS FOR ASP COMPANY REGISTRATION button below:
Start by entering a user name of your choosing, plus your email address and a password. You’ll be emailed confirmation.
Step 2 > Register business details
Using your new details, login to the system.
You may now follow the process to register your company details by answering profile questions and selecting the documents you must supply to support your registration.
Step 3 > Upload documents for verification
You will be prompted to upload copies of the documents selected for verification. You’ll be emailed when your documents are verified, or informed of any corrections needed to finalise business registration. Documents may include:
- Professional Indemnity Insurance (Level 1 ASPs only)
- Bank Guarantee (Level 1 ASPs only)
- Department of Planning and Environment Company Accreditation Letter
Step 4 > Attend company authorisation meeting
If you are applying for an initial ASP company authorisation, you must attend an in-person meeting with Ausgrid. This meeting will provide your company with information for working safely on or near Ausgrid’s network, Ausgrid procedures and processes relevant to your work, and allow you to ask questions regarding ASP authorisation and compliance.